Let \(\mathbf{A}\) be a \(k \times k\) matrix, \(\mathbf{a}\) be a \(k \times 1\) vector, and \(\mathbf{y}\) be a \(k \times 1\) vector of variables.
Let \(\mathbf{A}\) be a \(k \times k\) matrix, \(\mathbf{a}\) be a \(k \times 1\) vector, and \(\mathbf{y}\) be a \(k \times 1\) vector of variables.
With the hat matrix \(\mathbf{H} = \mathbf{X}(\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T\) we have:
Similarly, the residuals can be expressed as:
Let \(\mathbf{A}\) be a \(k \times k\) matrix, \(\mathbf{y}\) be a \(k \times 1\) random vector with mean \(\mu\) and variance-covariance matrix \(\Sigma\), then:
For comparing two nested models \(M_{full}\) and \(M_{reduced}\) we can use the F-test:
\[F = \frac{(SSE_{reduced} - SSE_{full})/(df_{E}(full) - df_{E}(reduced))}{SSE_{full}/df_{full}}\]
\[F = \frac{(SSR_{full} - SSR_{reduced})/(df_{R}(full) - df_{R}(reduced))}{SSE_{full}/df_{full}}\]
The two formulas are equivalent.